It's absolutely no shock at all. Old Donnie boy is bought and paid for just as all the presidents of my 63 years of existence. This agenda has been in the making for two thousand years. For me it was looking at history we were not taught at all in State run Rockefeller education system. When viewed especially from WW2 and the reshuffling of countries that has transpired it's easier for my brain to grasp. The powers that ought not be are evil to their very core. There's a fight coming rapidly with sovereign peoples and countries. My fear is that after witnessing free citizens around our country completely and utterly comply with nonsensical mandates and stupid edicts. That they will once again cowl down with complicity and low IQ's not being able to use their intellect because a flat screen box is programming their minds just as they have since their inception.
Pure Hollywood, my friend. Perfectly orchestrated, 'loner' perp, out in the open, kook, found dead, hmmm...where have we heard that pattern before?, said the nobody with the foil hat.
This was a genocide. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about the thousands upon thousands on the West Bank that were slaughtered so now they can clean up their war crimes so they can build some fucking 5 star hotel's there? Welcome to a world where you have no say so, this will only continue. Unbelievable! For those who have done deeper research, the killings that all started this were conducted by IDF disguised as HAMAS. Incredible!
Good morning Mitch… yes!!! This is sad .. and many folks have known for a while now about their plans for the new Riviera in Israel 🇮🇱 .. one just has to keep updating constantly.. because the information changes on a daily basis… but it is out there for everyone to follow..
it’s called Disaster Capitalism… Plunder Capitalism.. at it’s finest…
read the book Plunder Capitalism you’ll find it on and one mustn’t forget about the last administrations atrocities and the Ukraine 🇺🇦 War… and look who is rebuilding it now.
And yes Mitch…. it’s all part of the Agendas.. Agenda 21.. Agenda 2030.. The Great Reset.. The Missing Money… The Great Poisoning…fentanyl.. drugs.. jabs.. food.. and pretty soon you will own nothing and be happy and eat ze bugz.. living their 15 minute cities.. in high density housing.. with no freedoms….no jobs.. and daily food and travel restrictions… living like a pauper on their universal basic income. Do you recall the many who have said that we will be forced into living in high density housing and given a universal basic income and CBDC…digital 🆔 It will be like living in East Germany.
We could be like 🇦🇪 UAE.. check out Tim over at Beat the Reset .. he’s in the UAE.. and before arriving there he was in London…poor Brits.. London is now only for the well to do.. Brits .. and foreigners…
if westerners only knew about the good life in the UAE 🇦🇪 then they would vote with a different mindset.
Remember years ago when Oprah interviewed Trump about running for president and he said he wasn’t certain about that.. He did say how much he cared about the American 🇺🇸 people… and I remember him saying if Americans only knew how life was in other countries.. Like the UAE.
Catherine Austin Fitts of she has started a page here on Substack and I restacked a few of her VIP messages and videos this morning.
As the world 🌎 turns… there’s certainly more surprises to come from the Mr. Globals.
Good luck 👍 everyone.
Pray 🙏 for those caught up in the middle of this turmoil .. pray for all of us.. and we mustn’t forget the folks WNC.
Prayers for All folks who have lived through this devastation and for all lives lost and forgotten .. and all the precious pets and wildlife who have lost their lives and for the ones who have lost their loved ones and habitats — forever.
The Plundering People Do Not Care about them either.. even when they they say they care about the animals.. environment and forests… if they cared they wouldn’t destroy everything in sight.
The Lord is weeping for His precious souls who will continue to suffer from this evil.
Where did u hear about the IDF actually carrying out the Oct. 7th attack … a credible source would make this more pertinent. Wouldn’t put anything past the jews, fuckin disgusting sub-humans.
The discussion of the IDF carrying out the attacks on October 7th has been in the alternative media since the attacks came down.
I simply don’t trust Netanyahu and that “shit eating grin” on his face yesterday made me almost sick to my stomach.
It is horrific the way the Palestinians have been slaughtered like cattle and Trump is saying something like “oh they need to leave somewhere else.”
This land belongs to them as much as the Israeli’s.
PS In my view: Kicking the Palestinians out of Israel is exactly like the fires in the Pacific Palisades in California, the fires in Maui, and the fires up in Northern California. Big picture? All part of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30.
We are in a soft war, it is a war of ideas. I pray it doesn’t go hot, but now realizing that we have U.S. Troops on the Mexican Border as well as Mexican Troops on the US border, it is only a matter of time before something “pops.”
I'm a Canadian and there has been a millions of dollars revamp of our border with the U.S. as well ... additional helicopter/drone patrols, more border control agents securing larger portions of our common border . No physical gathering of the troops yet thank goodness. Russia, China and The Arab Nations have voiced opposition (more a tongue in cheek warning really) to donald's and Israel's plans for Gaza. France has offered boots on the ground to Greenland in case trump makes a move against them. The U.S. has a lot more to worry about than Canada and Mexico!
So the IDF didn't perform the attack, they just stood by and let it happen, reprehensible either way. What a vile, disgusting people. God's chosen people my ass, chosen to all go to hell maybe.
Started a subscription to Natural News, thank you for that. Sounds like a good source, enjoyed their article. Well it's been really nice and informative meeting u! Have a good day.
Trump obviously doesn't understand Palestinians and their long, much longer history in Palestine than the Zionists. Nor, I am quite sure he has little empathy or understanding of Native Americans or other indigenous peoples across the world. He does not understand people who are not like him
F*^k trump. Destroying his country isn’t enough!! He needs to keep his bullshit at home. Can’t believe these two pieces of shit were in the same place and no one could do the world a favour and take care of them. Gov’t trained snipers unite, saw the sniper take out the brainwashed, sacrificial attempted assasin with no problem (can anyone even remember the guys name). Let’s get our shit together people!!! Someone, anyone please step up!!! 3rd time lucky!!??
It's absolutely no shock at all. Old Donnie boy is bought and paid for just as all the presidents of my 63 years of existence. This agenda has been in the making for two thousand years. For me it was looking at history we were not taught at all in State run Rockefeller education system. When viewed especially from WW2 and the reshuffling of countries that has transpired it's easier for my brain to grasp. The powers that ought not be are evil to their very core. There's a fight coming rapidly with sovereign peoples and countries. My fear is that after witnessing free citizens around our country completely and utterly comply with nonsensical mandates and stupid edicts. That they will once again cowl down with complicity and low IQ's not being able to use their intellect because a flat screen box is programming their minds just as they have since their inception.
Like a voice crying out in the desert! ☝🏼 Whoever has an ear to hear, let them hear!
So few get it.
Trump is a narcissist monster who appears to be owned by the Zionist lobby. He and Netanyahu are quite the pair.
Biden proudly announced while in office that he was a Zionist. Trump said, "oh yeah, hold my beer".
His so-in-law talked about this prior to his election. Transactionalist.
🎯🎯🎯Not new, you are so right. They tell us ahead of time, all one has to do is listen.
Eggs/chicken now.
Banking cyber happened again this past weekend. UK. The Great Reset is a coming and the people will beg for it, just like the shots!
Those with an ear to hear, hears. Those with eyes to see, see.
Are we absolutely sure that head shot didn't go through his ear to the other side. He is off his chops.
Two psychopaths walk into a press conference …
Pure Hollywood, my friend. Perfectly orchestrated, 'loner' perp, out in the open, kook, found dead, hmmm...where have we heard that pattern before?, said the nobody with the foil hat.
This was a genocide. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about the thousands upon thousands on the West Bank that were slaughtered so now they can clean up their war crimes so they can build some fucking 5 star hotel's there? Welcome to a world where you have no say so, this will only continue. Unbelievable! For those who have done deeper research, the killings that all started this were conducted by IDF disguised as HAMAS. Incredible!
Good morning Mitch… yes!!! This is sad .. and many folks have known for a while now about their plans for the new Riviera in Israel 🇮🇱 .. one just has to keep updating constantly.. because the information changes on a daily basis… but it is out there for everyone to follow..
it’s called Disaster Capitalism… Plunder Capitalism.. at it’s finest…
read the book Plunder Capitalism you’ll find it on and one mustn’t forget about the last administrations atrocities and the Ukraine 🇺🇦 War… and look who is rebuilding it now.
And yes Mitch…. it’s all part of the Agendas.. Agenda 21.. Agenda 2030.. The Great Reset.. The Missing Money… The Great Poisoning…fentanyl.. drugs.. jabs.. food.. and pretty soon you will own nothing and be happy and eat ze bugz.. living their 15 minute cities.. in high density housing.. with no freedoms….no jobs.. and daily food and travel restrictions… living like a pauper on their universal basic income. Do you recall the many who have said that we will be forced into living in high density housing and given a universal basic income and CBDC…digital 🆔 It will be like living in East Germany.
We could be like 🇦🇪 UAE.. check out Tim over at Beat the Reset .. he’s in the UAE.. and before arriving there he was in London…poor Brits.. London is now only for the well to do.. Brits .. and foreigners…
if westerners only knew about the good life in the UAE 🇦🇪 then they would vote with a different mindset.
Remember years ago when Oprah interviewed Trump about running for president and he said he wasn’t certain about that.. He did say how much he cared about the American 🇺🇸 people… and I remember him saying if Americans only knew how life was in other countries.. Like the UAE.
Catherine Austin Fitts of she has started a page here on Substack and I restacked a few of her VIP messages and videos this morning.
As the world 🌎 turns… there’s certainly more surprises to come from the Mr. Globals.
Good luck 👍 everyone.
Pray 🙏 for those caught up in the middle of this turmoil .. pray for all of us.. and we mustn’t forget the folks WNC.
Prayers for All folks who have lived through this devastation and for all lives lost and forgotten .. and all the precious pets and wildlife who have lost their lives and for the ones who have lost their loved ones and habitats — forever.
The Plundering People Do Not Care about them either.. even when they they say they care about the animals.. environment and forests… if they cared they wouldn’t destroy everything in sight.
The Lord is weeping for His precious souls who will continue to suffer from this evil.
The devil is working overtime here on earth.
Sending you much comfort ❤️ ☮️🙏
Where did u hear about the IDF actually carrying out the Oct. 7th attack … a credible source would make this more pertinent. Wouldn’t put anything past the jews, fuckin disgusting sub-humans.
Hi Patti,
The discussion of the IDF carrying out the attacks on October 7th has been in the alternative media since the attacks came down.
I simply don’t trust Netanyahu and that “shit eating grin” on his face yesterday made me almost sick to my stomach.
It is horrific the way the Palestinians have been slaughtered like cattle and Trump is saying something like “oh they need to leave somewhere else.”
This land belongs to them as much as the Israeli’s.
PS In my view: Kicking the Palestinians out of Israel is exactly like the fires in the Pacific Palisades in California, the fires in Maui, and the fires up in Northern California. Big picture? All part of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30.
We are in a soft war, it is a war of ideas. I pray it doesn’t go hot, but now realizing that we have U.S. Troops on the Mexican Border as well as Mexican Troops on the US border, it is only a matter of time before something “pops.”
I'm a Canadian and there has been a millions of dollars revamp of our border with the U.S. as well ... additional helicopter/drone patrols, more border control agents securing larger portions of our common border . No physical gathering of the troops yet thank goodness. Russia, China and The Arab Nations have voiced opposition (more a tongue in cheek warning really) to donald's and Israel's plans for Gaza. France has offered boots on the ground to Greenland in case trump makes a move against them. The U.S. has a lot more to worry about than Canada and Mexico!
So the IDF didn't perform the attack, they just stood by and let it happen, reprehensible either way. What a vile, disgusting people. God's chosen people my ass, chosen to all go to hell maybe.
Started a subscription to Natural News, thank you for that. Sounds like a good source, enjoyed their article. Well it's been really nice and informative meeting u! Have a good day.
Trump obviously doesn't understand Palestinians and their long, much longer history in Palestine than the Zionists. Nor, I am quite sure he has little empathy or understanding of Native Americans or other indigenous peoples across the world. He does not understand people who are not like him
I just don’t
I have a different take on this:
A very interesting, perceptive article. You made some very good points.
disgusting but not surprising. can’t wait till the occupiers inevitably get a taste of their own medicine.
F*^k trump. Destroying his country isn’t enough!! He needs to keep his bullshit at home. Can’t believe these two pieces of shit were in the same place and no one could do the world a favour and take care of them. Gov’t trained snipers unite, saw the sniper take out the brainwashed, sacrificial attempted assasin with no problem (can anyone even remember the guys name). Let’s get our shit together people!!! Someone, anyone please step up!!! 3rd time lucky!!??
Liar. He wants the killing to stop. I know Bolsheviks media is dead so you keep on trying.