That is a great compilation, thank you.

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Ben Shapiro, remember - You don’t have to believe everything you think.

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Time to de dollar the Zionist horde

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Could this little reactionary fascist Eunuch look more like a clown than in this compilation?

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He should just shut tf up .

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I hold firm that Ben will be exposed for his latent homosexuality. He radiates Roy Cohn energy.

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Why are chief Rabbi from these Universities telling everyone of the anti semitism?

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True evil is the totally loss of empathy

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Why does any give a single fuck what comes out of Ben S.’s mouth? The guy is a sham.

You don’t get to cry about censorship and cancel-culture whenever a D is President, then demand censorship and cancellations when your guy wins, you miserable little shit.

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why would anyone acknowledge the hate that a genocidal zionazi spews?

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The Profit Isaiah chastises “The Wicked” who OPPOSE Peace, Oppose Human Unity and Oppose the prophesy of God’s GIFT Of PEACE to Humanity in His Prince of PEACE.

NO WAR, NO HUMAN BLOODSHED will EVER bring about His Temple on Earth. For to Oppose Peace IS to OPPOSE GOD and His Covenant.

Isaiah 57:19-21 declares PEACE, not bloodshed of Human Sacrifice is God’s Fruit, Peace to those Near and Far~ But the wicked are like the troubled sea, which cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire and dirt. There is “no peace,” says an exasperated God, for [in] these Wicked❗️

Isaiah chapter 59 God’s visceral Sorrow Rages On, Against The Wicked

Your iniquities have come between you and your God,

Your sins have hid His face from you. He will not hear you [wicked]


1st Chronicles 22:8

“You may not build a house for my name (a House of Prayer For ALL Nations Isaiah 56:7) because you have shed too much blood upon the earth in my sight.”


Isaiah 56:7

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⁉️ WHO Is UnSAFE ⁉️

RabidlyRacist, Israeli ZioNAZIs have, for over A CENTURY,

Proven THEY are the Greatest Threat to Life On Earth, that makes ALL of HUMANITY and ALL of Earth “UnSafe”❗️

ZioNAZI Israel’s CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED DRIVE to VIOLATE ALL Non-Jews Human Dignity, by ANY MEANS possible, has SENTENCED OUR ENTIRE SPECIES to the RELENTLESS OPPRESSIONS of the UnWarranted, INVASIVE Intrusions of SURVEILLANCE, CENSORSHIP and PROPAGANDA, in every realm and Sector of OUR Existence, Leading Us NOT into Peaceful-Prosperity-For-All, but a BRUTALLY SADISTIC, MILITARIZED POLICE STATE.

It is ISRAELs ZioNAZI, Anti-Mount Sinai Law, Anti-Book of Isaiah REFUSAL to Peacefully Coexist with Arabs, Muslims~ or ANY ONE who fulfills personal, spiritual commitments to God’s Covenant, to International Law and to NATURAL Humanitarian Law, by their ACTS of DUTY To PROTECT and PRESERVE LIFE, even of Palestinian Arabs (includes Jesus) & Muslims, VICTIMIZED by ZioNAZI Israel’s voracious appetite for Barbaric Satanic Violence & Destruction~ that CONDEMNS ALL Of HUMANITY to exist under the Perpetual Tyranny of the Threat of NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION.

WE can’t get any more “UNSAFE” than that❗️

How MUCH MORE “UnSafe” will We ALLOW this Sadistic, Aberrant EXPROPRIATION of Judaism to render Humanity❓

Must We ALL descend to enduring the DAILY Tortures of a GLOBAL ZioNAZI HOLOCAUST Prison DEATH CAMP before ALL Peoples of Earth UNITE in revolt to END this DEADLY, DEPRAVED, EXCESS of SELF-ENTITLED Indulgence, in MassMurder-MassDestruction, PREDATORY BLOOD-LUST Terrorism that Torments OUR World❓

It is abdication of Reason, Responsibility and DUTY To Protect the Safety of ALL of HUMANITY ~ NOT Mercy~

that abandons wanton Evil, to the perverse aberrations of its own Masochistic Depravity.

But the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “You have shed much blood and fought great battles; you shall not build a House for My name, for you have shed much blood on the earth in My sight. “

I Chronicles 22:8

Whoever sheds human blood,

By human [hands] shall that one’s blood be shed;

For in the image of God

Was humankind made.

Genesis 9:6

🥀 Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them who say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie;

behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee 🥀

~ New Testament of the Christian Bible

Book of Revelations Chapter 3 Verse 9

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