And yet he will no doubt continue paying for his blue tick and supporting financially the self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist"...who is anything but obviously.

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It was the only way he could make longer posts & write a lot more stuff in, to display for everyone to see, not because he likes or believes Elon Musk at all.

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There are other platforms...

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Though where can he go to that's as huge in popularity as X & allows him to have more than a 280 character limit? And without him risking being censored or silenced?

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Substack & Odysee are just two examples. YT and Facebook have a large user base too. Should we support them financially as well?

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Never said that we should financially support companies like Facebook or YouTube (though YT are owned by Google). They're just as bad at censoring our 1st Amendment rights.

The point I was making, is that we sadly have limited options in regards of having free speech nowadays.

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Americans will never cease longing for a (political) savior who will solve all their problems and restore them to 'prosperity'.

The entire nation is comprised of individuals unwilling to take responsibility for their own individual actions yet filled with individual exceptionalism. They have been duped into thinking freedom of speech is a right, not the sacred privilege it truly is. Something not valued is easily lost and difficult to regain.

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i’ve been screaming about censorship for more than a decade. i’m silenced everywhere but obscure places where no one to very few will see it. i’ve tried to contact various people with platforms and i never hear anything. it is infuriating.

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Garland Nixon’s account on X has never been restored and he has never received a coherent explanation for why his account was locked.

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LOL he refers to the chef as Jose Luis instead of Jose Andres? maybe he meant to recruit for Afganistan and not Ukraine?

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