Excellent history lesson Ann's eye opener! Rockefeller served under both parties so you know who's calling the shots.

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“Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski publishes a book [in 1997] in which he portrays the Eurasian landmass as the key to world power, and Central Asia with its vast oil reserves as the key to domination of Eurasia…’The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent. The public supported America’s engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.’, he says. Because of popular resistance to US military expansionism, his Central Asian strategy can not be implemented ‘except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.’ - From The Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson p.333

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Thank you for this! Also, do read Karl Grossman's book, free d/l which lists the entire TLC membership, a who's who's of big business. Don't forget about Brez's plan to invade Russia via Ukraine - now in progress!


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Carter never hid the fact of being a Trilateral member.

Zbig , who I considered downright awful and his record backs that up. It was clear that JC would be running for the Democratic nomination of president in 1976.

Zbig was ingratiating Carter with the invitation to join because Zbig wanted to be Secretary of State in a Carter administration. JC didn’t have a strong background of foreign policy and the Trilateral Commission provided that for him.

Nothing nefarious.

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