Whitney Webb 'Re-personed' on Facebook
"This is much more insidious than just outright banning someone..."
Independent journalist Whitney Webb is no stranger to online censorship.
Besides having covered the subject extensively in her writing for years, she was, in 2021, personally deplatformed by Patreon — her primary source of income at the time — for refusing to censor content on her own website at Patreon's behest.
Worse yet, the company apparently did not even challenge the factual accuracy of the material in question, such as an in-depth investigative piece about the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine that they flagged.
Instead, they said that it was verboten because it "might" dissuade her audience from taking "preventative measures to fight" Covid, despite the fact that the AZ jab had already been suspended in multiple countries due to safety concerns. (Additionally, even the WHO's chief scientist had said that there was insufficient evidence to say that it prevented people from "getting the infection" or transmitting it, as Webb herself pointed out.)
"What Patreon is doing here is taking the position that factually accurate information that is critical of vaccine developers and Big Pharma firms with clear conflicts of interests/horrendous safety track records should be hidden from the public," Webb wrote at the time. "A truly chilling precedent."
The Fake Whitney
With that episode behind her, she's now dealing with another form of big tech chicanery: a fake “Whitney Webb” Facebook account, which the company has been allowing some unknown person(s) to operate with impunity.
"Facebook, which I've written [about] in ways I'm sure they don't like, refuses to remove an account that has been posing as me for years and no matter how many people report it," Webb wrote in a post on X.
"I can only conclude that the person running the account is a bad actor that Facebook wants there to discredit me."
"I don't have a Facebook account," she added, "so if this or any other account starts saying weird stuff, please know it's not me."
The account in question currently has almost 4,800 followers, and it does, indeed, post plenty of "weird stuff" that Webb herself has not and would not say. For instance…
Read the rest of this story for free here: https://decensored.news/whitney-webb-facebook-repersoning/
Image Credit: Anthony Quintano (CC BY 2.0). May be modified from original.
I've failed, for 3 years, to get Facebook to delete my group despite politicians getting court orders against me. The group shouldn't even exist because my personal page is deleted.
The post I made today because of my moral outrage at Lindsey Graham unconstititionally using political warfare and Lawfare and tax payer trillions to assassinate democratically elected Hamas leaders through their criminal continuity of government plans starting with the Reagan administration’s 1971 A Mandate for Leadership
Share this and consider how to prosecute Netanyahu and those guilty by association and those who clap for them rather than arrest them. Remember ISIS and Israel and al Qaeda and Hamas are manufactured by the #US #UK #Israeli #Revisionist #Zionist City of #London aka #Crown Agents and Crown Jurists like Allan #Dershowitz who defended the #Mossad triple agent Jonathan #Pollard of the US Naval Intelligence who passed on our PROMIS Main Core AI cybersecurity Prosecutors Information System to secret head of #MI5 and #MI6 and the Crown Lord Victor #Rothschild who is the real #Octopus #Nebula. We may need to form a Nuremberg2.0 grand jury like #ReinerFeullmach did online by a UN military tribunal to prosecute the criminal state oligarchs for 9/11, the Plandemic which were false flags to given the National Security State the corrupt treasonous fraudulent authorization to wage dirty wars by deception under the cover of the Cold War. Netanyahu, Biden, Harris, Trump, Pence, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Clinton’s, Kissinger, the Heads of the JusticeDepartment and the CIA and the Department of Defense and the Treasury/ Federal Reserve are the top of the list to put on trial for crimes against humanity, democracy, peace, justice. We need a Truth and Reconciliation committee now to hold accountable the above for treason and the coup D’Etat of America starting with the Deep States assassination of JFK which was a coup D’Etat they have kept covered up by killing the messengers like me and you and every honest Citizen who dares to speak out. This gives me and you and @ChrisLynnHedges standing now the charge treason! All the evidence is already known by them and is being covered up by them. This is @peterdalescott’s argument as is being kept alive by @AaronGood and @Aaron_Good_ and the Deep State research community. In short, let’s start with a cease fire and and demand to #FreePalestine by prosecuting the state crime against democracy of the AIPAC Israel Lobby and those who took the bribe (a violation of Federal Honest Services Law) to keep covered up the crime of creating the global police surveillance state known as the Great Reset by the G7 World Economic Forum Agenda 21 and now Project 25. All the think tank NGO’s like the Heritage Foundation, the ManhattanInstitutevwere created to subvert democracy from the inside. I know because my stepfather was one of them. He, CharlesHBrunie of Oppenheimer Capital co-founded / financed the Manhattan Institute with William Casey, Reagan’s shadowy Campaign manager using the illegal financial tricks used by the OSS with the German SS Reinhard Gehlen and other Nazi’s working under the SMOM, the World Anti-Communist League, the World Commerce Commission, the SEC, the CIA - all with the stolen Inslaw PROMIS software which we know from Barbara Honneger, Casey stated in his first Reagan cabinet meeting he intended to use to cover it all up with a total information awareness campaign to disinform Americans about the their plans the financially take over America like an invisible hostile takeover. Casey and every member of the Reagan administration intentionally and maliciously worked together since 1981 when they took over the U.S. government by their invisible empire/ deep state/ new world order to bring about their planned innocuous sounding continuity of government plan that was an extension of the Rothschild Octopus City of London Spidersweb plan. The plan was called the strategy of tension and it was to be implemented by the corruptly appointed officials and managers of NATO in collusion and conspiracy with the CIA and the FBI and Reinhard Gehlen’s Gehlen Organization now the German BND and MI6 and the City of London and the Central Banks of England, the US Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of Israel (Antony Fisher) and the IMF and the World Bank (See Confessions of an Economic Hitman) all through Operation Gladio False Flag terrorism national security state. Who was Ismail Haniyeh?
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