Deconstructing the AP's propaganda about Roger Waters and 'The Wall'
This piece was originally published as a thread on Twitter.
Per the AP, the State Dept "says" (neutral word) that Waters' performances were "antisemitic."
That is their "assessment" (a word that connotes thoughtful consideration & study, + genuineness).
That such attacks are "disingenuous & politically motivated" is merely a "claim" by Waters.
Their "assessment" about Waters' alleged "antisemitism" is (we're told) "shared by many in Israel & the pro-Israel community."
How "many"? And what percentage?
For groups w/ millions of ppl in them, "many" can (purport to) believe something & still be in the minority.
Furthermore: Are there "many" people in these groups (Israelis & "the pro-Israel community") — in absolute or relative (%) terms — who are fans of Pink Floyd and agree that The Wall is not "antisemitic"?
The AP doesn't give any indication that they know nor care.
Here is an ISRAELI PINK FLOYD COVER BAND performing "The Wall" live in early 2020.
In Tel Aviv.
It's almost as if they — and the large crowd — know that it's an obvious satirical condemnation of racism, fascism, etc, not an endorsement.
The band has played sold-out shows throughout Israel for years.
The video above shows them performing at Heichal HaTarbut, Tel Aviv's largest concert hall & home to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
They played "The Wall" in Tel Aviv again last month. (also: Germany, Jan/Feb)
Going back to the AP: Despite going out of their way to say that "many" support the State Dept's "assessment," they don't quote a single person in the article backing up Waters, even though countless people have done so.
They don't even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of such people.
Among the MANY ("many") people they could have quoted:
.You know, the guy who not only asked the question in the first place, but simultaneously provided a spirited defense of Waters:
Not only is
— like every other defender of Waters — not quoted by the AP... his name isn't even mentioned at all. His question is merely something that was "posed" - like it fell out of the sky.Readers aren't told that his exchange w/ Vedant Patel even occurred.
The AP is happy to fill in other background about what led up to this response from the State Dept, including quoting attacks on Waters, but omits anything about the actual question(s), or the other context & comments provided by Husseini explaining the absurdity of the charge.
Also of note: The hyperlinks.
There are 3 of them (highlighted below), linking to:
1) Lipstadt's attack on Waters
2) Von Schnurbein's account tagged by Lipstadt (also attacks Waters)
3) An article re: police in Berlin investigating Waters for "possible incitement."
Besides relegating any defense of Waters to the last two paragraphs -- and only acknowledging the artist's own SELF-defense, not that of others -- the AP also fails to provide a LINK to Waters' full statement (which they only quote two sentences of).
Here's his full May 26 statement, and here's a link if you want to see it for yourself (you know, verify its authenticity, get all sides, make up your own mind, etc).
What's worse, the author of this AP piece, Matt Lee, was IN THE ROOM when @samhusseini had his exchange with the State Dept Spokesperson (Patel). In fact, he was PART OF THE EXCHANGE -- the guy who incredulously asked Patel, "You're not familiar with The Wall?"
So here's a question for you, @APDiploWriter (Matt Lee): Are YOU familiar with The Wall?
If so, can you explain whether it's pro, or anti, racism and fascism? Or are you unsure?
You're there to hold the govt accountable (& we appreciate when you do); will you let us hold you accountable?
Can you tell us whether you believe the State Dept, or any reasonable person that's familiar with The Wall – let alone "many" – could genuinely believe it promotes rather than condemns (per @rogerwaters) "fascism, injustice, & bigotry"?
Is that a remotely credible "assessment"?
Scott Horton asked a reasonable question on Tuesday. Can you address this, @APDiploWriter?
More from Horton:
He’s right, excerpt it's worse than "he said, she said" — it’s "they said, he claimed":
It gets even more ridiculous, because another reporter, Said Arikat, followed up with the State Dept yesterday, asking for some actual evidence or specifics about Waters' alleged bigotry.
Patel: "I don't have a specific litany, a list to share with you." 😵💫
Meanwhile, @rogerwaters has now done a detailed sit-down interview about this "controversy," which was published by DDN on Tuesday and posted to Twitter yesterday. A must-see.